Individual Therapy

The beginning of emotional and sexual intimacy starts with you, your own sensuality, joy, and curiosity, then expands outward to the connectedness of your relationships with those close to you.  In my own transition from the east coast where I worked in the heart of New York City to the west coast, landing in the beautiful area of Mill Valley in Marin County, I witnessed that we're much the same:  maxed out with family, professional and self care demands. The world seems more intense and demanding than ever. 

That is why it's vital to stop and take a deep breath, look around you and feel the beat of your own heart, the earth beneath your feet and look into the eyes of your loved ones. I urge you to contact me if you're excited at the prospect of growing, changing and polishing your love life!  

Areas of Expertise in Individual  Therapy

01 Love Addiction

Do you feel as if you never get past that first stage of falling in love? That you give yourself so completely, so wholly that you become dependent on your partner's affections that you somehow become lost? The emotional intoxication of falling in love can signal love addition. Like other addictions, the euphoria that results, just at the thought of the object to which you're addicted—in this case, a lover (or love interest) can become overwhelming as you lose yourself in the feelings. Learn more about love addiction and take the self-test to see if you have some of the criteria of love addition, then contact me to get started.

02 Sexual Anorexia

I specialize in Sexual Anorexia, defined as an aversion to sexual intimacy. It is the opposite end of the spectrum of sex addiction and manifests in deprivation. If you find that you're avoiding sex and sometimes even touch at all costs, I can help.  Working together, we'll explore the origins of when and how this issue developed for you so that you can return—or experience for the first time, healthy, exciting sexuality with yourself and your partner.

03 Partner Betrayal Trauma

Finding out you've been betrayed may have upended your life terribly and left you feeling devastated.  Overwhelming questions may invade your thoughts:  "How does this affect the rest of my life?" "How can I make it through this?" "Was my whole marriage a lie?" and more. You needn't feel alone any longer. I am here to help you gain self-compassion and create self-care strategies as you work through the feelings of shock and trauma, identify emotional triggers and build trust once again. Please learn more about partner betrayal trauma and then contact me to get started on your recovery.  I am here for you.

04 Porn Addiction

Do you find that you have unrealistic expectations of how you partner should act, sexually?  Is porn shaping your thoughts, desires, behaviors?  Is it becoming a subject that's becoming an issue in your relationship or making you feel out of control?  Do you feel as if you're keeping secrets and ultimately hurting your partner or spouse with the secrecy? As a Certified Sex Therapist, I have expertise and advanced training to help you with specialized treatment. Learn more about porn addiction, take the self-test included there and then contact me to get started today.
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